
Therapeutic Areas


According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide. It is estimated that in 2012 people died from this…


Al incremento excesivo de la acumulación de grasa corporal se le denomina obesidad. La obesidad es considerada como una enfermad crónica, multifactorial y neuroconductual, donde están …


The lung´s constant exposure to infectious organisms, particles or chemicals predisposes it to be an organ vulnerable to environmental injury or infection…


Peptic acid disease (PAD) is one of the most frequent reasons for visits to the doctor in general medical practice, both in emergency departments and outpatient clinics…


Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage (International Association for the Study of Pain).


Among the most clinically and epidemiologically important urological conditions are benign obstructive prostatic hiperplasia (BPH), erectile dysfunction (ED) and urinary incontinence (UI).


Infectology is a specialty of medicine dedicated to the study and treatment of diseases…

Women's Health

In 2020, 51.4% of Mexico´s census population was female, representing 64.5 million of the country´s inhabitants.


In 1950, Hench and collaborators won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work on the effects of glucocorticoids in rheumatologic diseases.


Productos de Prescripción

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Liomont gives you the opportunity to prescribe a wide range of effective and safe medicines, certified to the highest quality standards (ISO 9001) and backed by our 85 years of experience.


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Our commitment has always been to take care of your health and relief your pain. We are pleased to able to offer you and your family a wide variety of products to fight from overweight to flu.

