
Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory Diseases

Constant exposure of the lung to infectious organisms, particles or chemicals predisposes it to be an organ vulnerable to environmental injury or infection.


Among the most common causes of death worldwide are five respiratory diseases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, acute lower respiratory infections, tuberculosis and cancer. 


A determining factor that will play a role in the increase and complications of respiratory diseases is the aging of the population. In Mexico, the change in the demographic pyramid implies an anual growth of 3.8% in the population over 65 years of age, so that by 2025 the adult population will exceed the child population.


Asthma is an incurable chronic airway pathology with a high prevalence that affects the quality of life of patients and generates an important socioeconomic impact. However, with timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment it is controlable, allowing the patient to carry out daily activities.


Datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud indican que a nivel mundial en el 2019 el asma afectó a 262 millones de personas y causó 461,000 muertes. En México, aproximadamente el 7% de la población padece asma.


Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood and affects 14% of the child population worldwide. Eighty percent of adults with asthma have had symptoms since the first five years of life. There is evidence that children with asthma are at risk for abnormal lung growth, which means they may develop lifelong respiratory compromise and COPD.


Among the known factors that may promote the development of asthma are: genetic predisposition, exposure to environmental allergens, air pollution, lower respiratory tract infection early in life, the makeup of the airway microbiome, dietary factors and abnormal immune responses. However, among the identified risk factors for asthma that are potentially modifiable are smoking during pregnancy and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics in the first year of life.

Aunado a la afectación respiratoria que sufren los pacientes con asma, si estos no reciben un adecuado tratamiento, pueden sufrir trastornos del sueño, cansancio durante el día y problemas de concentración. Todo lo anterior impacta negativamente en la calidad de vida del paciente, que puede conllevar a que tenga alteraciones en el estado de ánimo como depresión, sentimiento de culpa, ansiedad y/o estrés.

When asthma is not adequately controlled or symptoms become severe, asthmatic patients may require urgent hospital care, and in severe cases, asthma can be lethal.


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